

The Things They Carried



This project is intended to retell "The Things They Carried," the first of several short vignettes in Tim O'Brien's novel by the same name. Through the use of Voice Thread, a blog, Glogster, Photostory, and Wiki, the events of the first chapter in the novel will be retold through a variety of unheard voices. The objective of this project is to develop a deeper understanding of the thematic ideas, events, and characters present in the piece while exploring the different digital literacies available. You will hear the voices of the unheard, those people and organizations who were witness to the events in the story, but whose experience was not detailed. These voices include:

  • Mitch Sanders, the Radio Transmitter Operator
  • Nurse Carol Weeps
  • Rusty Shoots, embedded reporter, The Worthington Weekly
  • GFP Glogster Film Productions
  • Helen Oftroy, photographer, Rocking Stoned magazine



This project will demonstrate an understanding of the following digital literacies :

  • Blogs
  • Voice Thread
  • Photstory
  • Glogs
  • Wiki